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Partial List of Approved Kings and Queens to Date

Alexius I Comnenus

Emperor of Byzantine Empire (1081-1118)

Alexius III Angelus

Emperor of Byzantine Empire (1195-1203)

Alice of Champagne

Queen of Cyprus (1198-1218), Regent of Cyprus (1218-1223), Regent of Jerusalem (1243-1246)

Amaury I of Anjou

King of Jerusalem

Ashot II "The Iron"

King of Armenia (914-929)

Baldwin I

Emperor of Constantinople, 6th Count of Flanders, 9th Count of Hainaut

Baldwin II

King of Jerusalem, Count of Rethel, Count of Edessa

Berengar I

King of Italy (887-915), Emperor of the Romans (915-924), Margrave of Friuli (874-887)

Bohemond I

Prince of Antioch (1098-1111), Prince of Taranto

Bohemond II

Prince of Antioch (1111-1130), Prince of Taranto


King of the Franks, King of the Lombards, Emperor of the Romans

Charles "The Hammer" Martel

Duke and Prince of the Franks, Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia; Mayor of the Palace of Neustria

Charles I

King of Jerusalem, Naples and Sicily; Count of Anjou, Provence and Maine

Charles II "le Boiteux" (the lame)

King of Jerusalem, Naples and Sicily; Count of Anjou, Provence and Maine, Prince of Salerno, Prince of Achaea

Edward I

King of England

Eleanor of Aquitaine

Queen of France and England

Eleanor of Castile

Queen of England

Eustace III

Count of Boulogne, Count of Lens

Frederick I "Barbarossa"

Emperor of Germany, Duke of Swabia, King of Italy

Fulk V

King of Jerusalem, Count of Anjou

Gautier (Walter) IV DE BRIENNE "le Grand"

Count of Brienne, Count of Lecce, Count of Jaffa and Ascalon (1221-1246)


King of Jerusalem, Count of Champagne & Troyes

Henry III "The Black"

King of Germany, Emperor of the Romans

Henry IV

King of England


King of Cyprus

Hugh Magnus de Crepi

Duke of France and Burgundy, Marquis of Orleans, Count of Amiens, Clermont, Paris, Valois and Vermandois

Igor I

Grand Prince of Kiev

Isaac II Angelus

Emperor of Byzantine Empire (1185-1195 & 1203-1204)

Isabelle of Anjou

Queen of Jerusalem

Ivan Vladislav

Tsar of Bulgaria (August 1015-February 1018, last ruler of the First Bulgarian Empire

Jaroslav I "The Wise"

Grand Prince of Kiev

Jean De Brienne

King of Jerusalem, Emperor of Constantinople

John II Comnenus

Emperor of Byzantine Empire (1118-1143)

Leo VI "The Philosopher"

Emperor of Byzantine Empire (886-912)

Lothair I

King of Italy (817-855) Emperor of the Romans

Louis I "The Pious"

Emperor of the Romans

Louis II

King of Italy, Emperor of the Romans (855-875)

Louis III "Beronides" (The Blind)

King of Provence (887-905), King of Italy (900-905), Emperor of the Romans (901-905)

Louis IX

King of France

Louis VII

King of France

Melisende de Rethel

Queen of Jerusalem

Michael III

Emperor of Byzantine Empire (842-867)


King of Italy (781-810), King of the Lombards

Pepin III "The Short"

King of the Franks (751-768)

Philip II Augustus

King of France

Philip of Swabia

Emperor of Germany, Duke of Swabia, Margrave of Tuscany


Prince of Antioch, Lord of Montreal and Krak, Lord of Outre-Jordan

Richard Plantagenet

King of the Romans, Earl of Cornwall, Count of Poitou

Robert IV De Sable

Lord of Cyprus, 11th Grand Master of the Knights Templar

Romanos I Lekapenos

Emperor of the Byzantine Empire

Romanos IV Diogenes

Emperor of the Byzantine Empire

Saint Olga

Princess of Kiev

Samuel "the Cometopuli"

Tsar of Bulgaria (997 - 06 Oct 1014) a ruler of the First Bulgarian Empire

St. Vladimir I 'The Great

Grand Zupan of Serbia

Sviatoslav I "The Brave"

Grand Prince of Kiev

Taksony Arpad

Prince of Hungary

Theodore I Lascaris

Emperor of Byzantine Empire (1204-1222)

Uros I

Grand Zupan of Serbia

Welf IV

Duke of Bavaria

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